Căpâlnaș Psychiatric Hospital is housed by the Mocioni-Teleki Castle, built between 1876 and 1879 after the plans of Viennese architect Otto Wagner, who was inspired by Little Trianon at Versailles. In 1948 the castle was nationalized by the communist regime, confiscated from its owners, The Mocioni family, and later became a psychiatric hospital. 2024 will be the last year for the psychiatric hospital to function in the castle, the estate will be restituted to the Mocioni family's descendants and the hospital will be relocated to a new, modern building.
This state-run hospital has 70 beds for chronic psychiatric patients with various mental health problems: schizophrenia, depression, personality disorders, dementia, bipolar disorder, etc. During a year approximately 300 patients receive treatment here (medication, psychological counseling, therapeutical activities, ergotherapy), and the duration of their stay varies between a few weeks and several months. Some have been here for over two years, so this hospital has become their home.
Since 2019 I have worked as a clinical psychologist at this hospital and this photographic project offers me a good opportunity to try and change some stereotypes Romanian society still has about people with mental health problems, who are often perceived as dangerous people, who should be kept locked away. I also think this project has some therapeutic value for the patients helping them to reduce their level of anxiety, to explore their feelings, and to improve their confidence and self-esteem.
Photo & Text by Ciprian Hord
Psihijatrijska bolnica Capalnas smeštena je u zamku Mocioni-Teleki, izgrađenom između 1876-1879 po planovima bečkog arhitekte Ota Vagnera, koji je inspirisan Malim Trijanonom u Versaju. 1948. godine zamak je nacionalizovao komunistički režim, konfiskovan od njegovih vlasnika, porodice Mocioni, kasnije je postao psihijatrijska bolnica. 2024. će biti poslednja godina da psihijatrijska bolnica funkcioniše u zamku, imanje će biti vraćeno potomcima porodice Mocioni, a bolnica će biti izmeštena u novu, modernu zgradu.
Ova državna bolnica raspolaže sa 70 postelja za hronične psihijatrijske pacijente sa različitim psihičkim problemima: šizofrenijom, depresijom, poremećajima ličnosti, demencijom, bipolarnim poremećajem itd. ergoterapija, a trajanje njihovog boravka varira od nekoliko nedelja do nekoliko meseci. Neki su ovde i preko dve godine, pa je ova bolnica postala njihov dom.
Od 2019. radim kao klinički psiholog u ovoj bolnici i ovaj fotografski projekat mi pruža dobru priliku da pokušam da promenim neke stereotipe koje rumunsko društvo još uvek ima o ljudima sa problemima mentalnog zdravlja, koji se često doživljavaju kao opasni ljudi, koje treba čuvati. zaključane. Takođe mislim da ovaj projekat ima određenu terapeutsku vrednost za pacijente koji im pomaže da smanje nivo anksioznosti, da istraže svoja osećanja i da poboljšaju svoje samopouzdanje i samopoštovanje.
Photo & Text by Ciprian Hord