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The last teacher at the last minute / Poslednja učiteljica u poslednjem času

Writer's picture: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

Ana Lekov, 57 years old, from Dimitrovgrad, worked as a teacher for more than 30 years at a central primary school in her hometown.

Three years ago, for health reasons, she decided to change her lifestyle and continue her working life in the village of Trnski Odorovci. The village is 28 km from the city, and for that reason, Ana is constantly on the village-town route.

Due to the pandemic that has befallen us, she spends most of her free time at a cottage in the village, where she and her husband Ivan keep animals and lead a peaceful and healthy life. The school in the village was once called "Ivan Karaivanov" and was the school with the highest number of students in that part of the municipality.

Her class only counts three students, and they're used to be hundreds.

Geštamov Drago, Marija, and Miloš are students of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th grades.

And they're probably the last pupils.

Photo and text - Ivo Tomov


Učiteljica Ana Lekov (57 godina) iz Dimitrovgrada je više od 30 godina radila u centralnoj osnovnoj školi u svom rodnom gradu.

Pre 3 godine je, iz zdravstvenih razloga odlučila da promeni svoj način života i nastavi svoj radni vek u selu Trnski Odorovci. Selo je od grada udaljeno 28km, pa je iz tog razloga Ana stalno na relaciji selo-grad.

Zbog pandemije koja nas je zadesila, veći deo svoj slobodnog vremena trenutno provodi na vikendici u selu, gde sa suprugom Ivanom čuva životinje i vodi miran i zdrav život.

Škola u selu nekada se zvala „Ivan Karaivanov“ i bila je škola sa najvećim brojem učenika u tom delu opštine.

Danas ima 3 učenika i jedino je istureno odeljene O.Š „Hristo Botev“ iz Dimitrovgrada.

Geštamovi Drago, Marija i Miloš učenici su 1. 3. i 4. razreda

i oni su najverovatnije poslednji đaci u ovoj školi.

Photo and text - Ivo Tomov

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