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Writer's picture: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

Toplarna is a compelling project that endeavors to document and preserve the narratives of individuals residing and working in close proximity to Ljubljana's coal-fired power plant. By employing captivating visuals, it delves into the intricate dynamics between the power plant and the neighboring community, shedding light on the profound consequences of energy production on both the environment and the lives of local residents. This series was captured during the period of 2019-2020, with the objective of portraying the inhabitants and their surroundings in an unbiased manner.

Since my early years, I have been irresistibly drawn to the power plant due to the mesmerizing hues it emanates, evoking within me a peculiar blend of somber beauty and insatiable curiosity. The inherent duality of Toplarna further captivates my interest, as its undeniable environmental impact cannot be dismissed. However, due to the necessity of optimal heat transfer for the nearby inhabitants, the plant must exist in such close proximity to the residential area, despite its overwhelming visual displeasure.

Photo and text by Blaž Zorko


Toplarna je za mene bitan projekat koji nastoji da dokumentuje i sačuva narative pojedinaca koji žive i rade u neposrednoj blizini Ljubljanske termoelektrane na ugalj. Koristeći zadivljujuće vizuelne prikaze, prodire u zamršenu dinamiku između elektrane i susedne zajednice, bacajući svetlo na duboke posledice proizvodnje energije na životnu sredinu i živote lokalnog stanovništva. Ova serija je snimljena u periodu 2019-2020, sa ciljem da se stanovnici i okolina predstave na nepristrasan način.

Od mojih ranih godina, neodoljivo me privlači elektrana zbog očaravajućih nijansi koje zrači, izazivajući u meni poseban spoj mračne lepote i nezasitne radoznalosti. Inherentna dvojnost Toplarne dodatno me interesuje, jer se njen neosporan uticaj na životnu sredinu ne može odbaciti. Međutim, zbog neophodnosti optimalnog prenosa toplote za obližnje stanovnike, postrojenje mora postojati u tako neposrednoj blizini stambenog područja, uprkos svom ogromnom vizuelnom nezadovoljstvu.

Photo and text by Blaž Zorko

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