This series of photographs follows the unusual craft and process of making funerary equipment, as well as my exploration of the meaning of death through a visual experience that questions our relationship to transience.
Through this series, I enter a world that is often avoided
in society, but at the same time brings a new perspective.
Photographs are not only an aesthetic experience but also an
invitation to introspection and an open conversation
about topics that are essential to human existence.
I was interested in the process of making funeral caskets, how long it takes, and who are the people whose day begins and ends with death. After a few days spent in the workshop and their neutrality towards this topic, I find beauty in the simplest elements and their work.
This workshop is run by the Gligorijević family and is located in Paraćin.
Photos and text by Ana Petrović
Ova serija fotografija prati jedan neuobičajen zanat i proces proizvodnje pogrebne opreme, takođe i jedan vid mog istraživanja značenja smrti kroz vizuelno iskustvo koje preispituje naš odnos prema prolaznosti. Kroz ovu seriju, zalazim u svet koji je često izbegavan u društvu, ali istovremeno donosi novu perspektivu. Fotografije nisu samo estetsko iskustvo, već i poziv na introspekciju i otvoren razgovor o temama koje su esencijalne za ljudsko postojanje.
Zanimao me je proces pravljenja pogrebnih sanduka, koliko je potrebno vremena I ko su ljudi kojima dan počinje I završava se smrću. Posle par dana provedenih u radionici i njihove neutralnosti prema ovoj temi u najjednostavnijim elementima i njihovom radu pronalazim lepotu.
Ovu radionicu drži porodica Gligorijević i nalazi se u Paraćinu.
Photos and text by Ana Petrović