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Poslednji mesec BIGZ-a / BIGZ's last month

Writer's picture: Анђела ПетровскиАнђела Петровски

Novi Balkanium pokrećem projektom koji mi je bio jednako važan i emotivan. Kao što je Balkanium obeležio 2018. godinu, master rad i stavio tačku na mnoga putovanja, iskustva i putopise do tada, tako je ovu 2021. godinu zapečatio BIGZ i moje prvo snimanje dokumentarnog filma o njemu.

O BIGZ-u kao pre svega arhitektonskom delu Dragiše Brašovana, nema potrebe da pišem, niti da je bila velika izdavačka kuća sa prelepim izdanjima kao što su ''Džepna knjiga'' i ostale koje krase police u našoj kući, zahvaljujuči mom ocu.

Biće toga u filmu, a ovde je i link ka istorijatu.

Ovde je u fokusu period Bigza od poslednjih 20 godina, kada je (pod stečajem) postao utočište umetnicima i na poslednji mesec tog sveta koji sam uspela da zabeležim i osetim.

Provela sam jedan mesec snimajuću po BIGZ-u. Ovo je sažetak tog iskustva i sama najava za film.

Malo je reći da je bilo emotivno turbulentno, jer već nekoliko dana kako nisam u BIGZ-u, sanjam hodnike i želim da sam tamo uz osećaj da samo biti tamo ima smisla trenutno u životu.

BIGZ kao prostor alternativne umetničke scene je bilo jedno spontano čudo, sticaji okolnosti i ljudi koji su napravili svoj svet u ovoj zgradi. I pored loših uslova i žudnje za malo osveženja, između zidova te zgrade su nastali čuveni albumi naših najvećih bendova, likovni radovi mnogih slikara, sportske aktivnosti raznih vrsta, pozorišne predstave kakvih nema na drugom mestu i mnogo spontanih dugo zapamćenih žurki koje su obeležile zlatan period od 2010 – 2015 godine.

Mene je za zgradu BIGZ-a ranije vezivala čuvena Čekaonica i dobre jazz svirke, kao i nekoliko studija koje su prijatelji imali i divljenje arhitekturi same građevine. Ali ništa se ne može porediti sa ovim što je ostavio kada sam ga ''ispratila'' sad ovog marta.

Upoznala sam jednu mrežu ljudi, iz različitih sfera umetnosti, različitih žanrova i ćudi, koje sve spaja ljubav prema svom prostoru koji im je bio stvaralački krov nad glavom.

Zvaničnom prodajom BIGZ-a, taj krov je izgubilo nekoliko stotina umetnika tokom marta meseca i selidbe.

Ovo je serija fotografija o njima i mali omaž Bigzu, kroz nasmejane ljude, i kad je teško, kreativne ideje, kako zajedno krenuti napred, i zanimljive studije koji su slika raznolikosti i atmosfere koja je tamo vladala


Hvala svima na gostoljubivosti, novim prijateljstvima, dobroj muzici i pomoći tokom rada na filmu. Bila mi je čast da upoznam deo ove atmosfere i da pomognem u nekoj potrazi za sledečom epohom ove scene.

Jedno veče kada sam snimala pokrivalice i čekala jedan intervju, imala sam oko 2 sata slobodnog vremena u zgradi. Za to vreme otvorila sam pivo i krenula da šetam. Nedugo zatim, čula sam muziku u jednoj prostoriji i pitala da li mogu da kod njih provedem malo vremena. Samo ću reći da je i iz tog momenta nastalo lepih stvari, novih intervjua i daljih kontakata i da sam se vraćala tamo iznova.

''Prostor za umetnike'' je organizovana inicijativa koja je nastala u ovom periodu i koju su organizovali ovi ljudi, ujedinjeni u potrazi za novim prostorom uz želju da se ne odvajaju. Skup koji se održao 27.marta 2021. godine rezultirao je otvorenim mogućnostima da grad nađe mesto ovoj ekipi iliti umetničkom malom gradu.

U poređenju sa onim čime oni doprinose ovom gradu i zemlji, a i turizmu, kroz svoju umetnost, odgovarajući krov nad glavom uz odgovarajuće uslove je samo jedna premala prepreka koju će uvideti oni koji imaju ''moć'' da im pomognu.

Uživajte u fotkama, čekajte film i vidimo se u nekom novom BIGZ-u svi zajedno za sledeću reportažu.


I'm starting the new Balkanium with an experience and a project that was equally important and emotional to me. Just as Balkanium marked 2018 and my master project and point to many travels, experiences, and travelogues until then, so this 2021. was sealed in me by BIGZ and my first shooting of a documentary about him.

I do not need to write here about BIGZ as primarily an architectural work by Dragiša Brašovan, nor that it was a large publishing house in question with beautiful editions such as "Pocket Book" and others that adorn the shelves with books in our house. , thanks to my father.

There will be that in the film, and here is a link to history.

What is the focus here is the period of Bigz from the last 20 years, when he (under bankruptcy) became a refuge for artists and the last month of that world that I managed to notice and feel like that.

I spent a month filming at BIGZ. This is a summary of that experience and the announcement for the film itself.

It was emotionally turbulent because for several days now that I have not been to BIGZ, I have been dreaming of corridors and I want to be there with the feeling that just being there makes sense right now in life.

BIGZ as a space of the alternative art scene was a spontaneous miracle, a combination of circumstances and people who made their world in this building. Despite the bad conditions and the desire for a little refreshment, the famous albums of our famous bands, works of art by many painters, sports activities of various kinds, theater performances like no other in our country and many spontaneous long-remembered parties that marked the golden period from 2010 - 2015.

I used to be connected to the BIGZ building by the famous Waiting Room and good jazz gigs, as well as a couple of studios that my friends had, and admiration for the architecture of the building itself. But nothing compares to what he left when I "sent him off" now this March.

I met a network of people, from different spheres of art, different genres, and desires, all connected by a love for their space, which was a creative roof over their heads.

With the official sale of BIGZ, that roof was lost for several hundred artists during March.

This is a series of photos about them and a little homage to Bigz, through smiling people when it’s hard, creative ideas on how to move forward together, and interesting ateliers that are a picture of the diversity and atmosphere that reigned there.

Thank you all for the hospitality, new friendships, good music, and help during the work on the film. It was an honor to get to know a part of this atmosphere and to help in some search for the next epoch of this scene.

One night when I was filming blankets and waiting for an interview, I had about 2 hours of free time in the building. During that time, I opened my beer and went for a walk. Not long after, I heard music in one room and asked if I could spend some time with them. I will just say that beautiful things, new interviews, and further contacts arose from that moment as well and that I returned there again.

"Space for artists" is an organized initiative that originated in this period and was organized by these people, united in the search for a new space with the desire not to separate. The gathering that took place on March 27, 2021, resulted in open possibilities for the city to find a place for this team or an artistic small town.

Compared to what they contribute to this city and country, and to tourism, through their art, an appropriate roof over their head with appropriate conditions is just one too small obstacle that will be seen by those who have the "power" to help them.

Enjoy the photos, wait for the movie, and see you in some new BIGZ all together for the next story.

Text&Photo by Anđela Petrovski

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