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  • Writer's pictureАнђела Петровски

Scenes of village life / Prizori seoskog zivota

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

The beauty of rural life is reflected in the details that show how time has stopped, what are really important things in life, and how much we have forgotten to appreciate them when we live in "speed".

Family, time with loved ones, and every moment in the home I visited in the village of Duboke, has its own altar because it is the most precious.

But maybe we can remind ourselves, to decide for a moment to shift our focus to the loved ones around us and modesty, which is actually our greatest asset.

Life in a village like this is harsh. From the perspective of a woman from Belgrade, everything was beautiful and interesting, but the truth is that village life t is work from morning to night, that it is a lack of electricity and the destruction of fruits by rains, after which there is no choice but to put up with it. It is the unavailability of potential help in the winter when these homes are quiet and buried in the mountains and foothills.

But somehow, in addition to all that, when grandchildren and children visit here, there is no greater happiness, more significant meaning in everything they do, and greater sadness at parting.

P.S. Thanks to my dear friend Nikola Panić, who brought me here to meet his family and made a part of my ''Balkan traveling dream'' come true.

Photo & Text by Anđela Petrovski


Lepote seoskog zivota ogledavaju se u detaljima koji prikazuju kako je vreme stalo, šta su zapravo bitne stvari u životu i koliko smo zaboravili da ih cenimo kada živimo u “brzini”.

Porodica, vreme sa voljenima, svaki taj trenutak u domu koji sam posetila u selu Duboke, ima svoj oltar jer je najdragocenije.

Ali možda samo možemo da se podsetimo, da na tren odlučimo da ipak malo fokus prebacimo na voljene oko sebe i skromnost koja nam je zapravo najveće bogatstvo.

Život u ovakvom selu je surov. Iz perspektive Beogradjanke sve je idila, ali istina je da je to rad od jutra do mraka, da je to nemanje struje i uništavanje plodova kišama, posle čega nema izbora sem da se miri sa tim. To je nedostupnost potencijalne pomoći zimi kada su ovi domovi tihi i zatrpani u planinama i podnožjima.

Ali nekako, pored svega toga, kada dodju unuci i deca u posetu ovde, ne postoji veća sreća, veći smisao svega što rade i veće tuge pri rastancima.

P.S. Hvala mom dragom prijatelju Nikoli Paniću koji me je doveo ovde da upoznam njegovu porodicu i ostvario deo mog „balkanskog putničkog sna“.

Photo & Text by Anđela Petrovski


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