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  • Writer's pictureАнђела Петровски

Bele Poklade

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Bele Poklade is a custom that begins the Great Easter Fast and aims that people to enter the fast without sin. It is believed that on that day we should ask for forgiveness from whomever we think is in need and forgive others. Big tables of feasts are prepared, fires are lit, masked people, boys, and girls walk the streets as heroes or monsters, and there is often a custom of jumping over the fire. That evening, at midnight, the Great Easter Fast begins, which lasts 7 weeks until Easter.

Reportages about Bele Poklades are primarily stories about the whole village, but photographer Ivo Tomov introduces us to the story of how only one family marks it for themselves. Of the many interesting customs of the Balkans, we now introduce you to the Petrović family and the visual experience of Beli Poklade.

The Petrović family and their relatives from the village of Krupac near Pirot are celebrating the custom of the white offering on February 26, 2023. White Gifts, date back to old pagan traditions and are celebrated every year seven weeks before Easter. Straw, stick, and string are used to make oratnice (long stick with straw), they are given to the youngest in the village, and they are lit and spun in a circle in order to ward off evil demons and bring a fruitful year.

Photo: Ivo Tomov

Text: Stefan Pavić and Anđela Petrovski


Bele poklade su običaj kojim počinje Veliki Vaskršnji post i ima za cilj da ljudi u post uđu bez greha. Veruje se da tog dana treba da tražimo oproštaj od onoga za koga mislimo da je u nevolji i da oprostimo drugima. Spremaju se velike trpeze slavlja, pale se vatre, maskirani ljudi, momci, devojke šetaju ulicama kao junaci ili čudovišta, a često postoji i običaj preskakanja vatre. Te večeri, u ponoć, počinje Veliki Vaskršnji post, koji traje 7 nedelja do Vaskrsa.

Reportaže o Belim Pokladama su pre svega priče o celom selu, ali nas fotograf Ivo Tomov uvodi u priču kako ga samo jedna porodica obeležava za sebe. Od mnogih interesantnih običaja Balkana, sada vam predstavljamo porodicu Petrović i vizuelni doživljaj Belih Poklada.

Porodica Petrović i njihovi rođaci iz sela Krupca kod Pirota 26. februara 2023. obeležavaju običaj belog prinosa. Beli darovi potiču iz starih paganskih običaja i obeležavaju se svake godine sedam nedelja pre Vaskrsa. Od slame, štapa, kanapa se prave oratnice (dugi štapovi sa slamom), daju se najmlađima u selu, pale i vrte u krug da bi se odagnali zli demoni i donela plodna godina.

Photo: Ivo Tomov

Text: Stefan Pavić and Anđela Petrovski

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